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Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

Eni tells shareholders it will ditch palm oil diesel by 2023

Italy’s oil giant Eni yesterday said it would stop using palm oil and its derivatives such as PFAD [1] to make biodiesel by 2023.

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe
Sustainable Finance

Moment of truth for EU as over one million people and 100 NGOs call for green, healthy and just recovery

Over one million people and 100 environmental NGOs across Europe are calling on the European Union to restart its economy by launching the biggest gre...

Chapter 3.png

Double-down on EV sales to tackle the pollution that left us more vulnerable

Electric car sales rose dramatically in the first quarter of 2020 - right up until the COVID-19 crisis shuttered dealerships across Europe, new indust...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe
Cars, Air Quality

How to keep cities pollution-free after virus lockdowns lift

This op-ed was first published in English by EurActiv, in Spanish by El Pais, in Portugese by Publico , in German by Der Spiegel and in French by Le S...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

Out with the old (engines), in with the new (zero-emission mobility)

Almost two months after most Europeans went into confinement and the economy came to a halt, life is slowly returning to normal. Our heart goes out to...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

How ship operational CO2 standards can drive green fuels uptake

Shipping’s decarbonisation requires sustainable zero-carbon energy/fuels. These fuels are considerably more expensive than fossil fuels and require ne...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

Airline bailouts set to double to €26bn as countries fail to impose binding green conditions

Airline polluters are now seeking more than €26 billion in taxpayers’ money - double the amount of just a week ago - according to the European airline...

Sustainable Finance

Environmental groups tell EU leaders to green all investments and explore Eurobonds

Europe’s economy is on its knees and Europeans long to be able to return to work. The EU and national governments are preparing to spend hundreds of b...

Sustainable Finance

Time to invest in a healthy future: time for a green & just recovery

We call upon EU and national leaders to tackle the unprecedented crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic with unity, courage and innovation.

Gap to produce sufficient numbers of EVs to comply with the law in 2020

Polluting European airlines seek €12.8bn (and counting) in bailouts

European airlines – some of the European Union’s biggest polluters – have sought an unprecedented €12.8 billion in government bailouts since the begin...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

Colombia, the new palm diesel frontier

T&E’s award-winning documentary gives voice to local communities that are fighting hard to reclaim their land in Colombia while exposing the major pit...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe

Millions in taxpayers’ money flow to airlines with no environmental conditions attached

European airlines have begun receiving hundreds of millions of euro in taxpayer-funded bailouts with no obligations to reign in their environmental im...