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‘Absurd’ car industry demands the EU triggers crisis clause


What Strategic Projects to select

T&E recommendations on the implementation of the EU Critical Raw Materials Act.


How EU states can tackle unsustainable biofuels and promote cleaner alternatives?

RED III implementation for Europe's member states


Industry and NGOs calls for swift adoption of Weights and Dimensions Directive revision

T&E and three industry associations call on the Hungarian Presidency and the 27 EU member state transport ministers to adopt the General Approach on t...


Mining waste: time for the EU to clean up

A new legal analysis makes the case for a revision of the EU Extractive Waste Directive.


'Cruisezillas': How much bigger can cruise ships get?

Cruise ships are getting larger and more numerous. This is a problem for the environment


Cleaning up steel in cars: why and how?

An ambitious uptake of green steel in cars by 2030 is feasible and can deliver significant climate benefits with limited costs for both industry and c...


Sales of dangerous US pickup trucks up 20% in Europe

Green and safety groups call on the EU to close the loophole allowing monster pickups to bypass EU safety and emissions standards

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How sustainable are advanced and waste biofuels?

Advanced and waste biofuels are increasingly promoted as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and damaging crop-based biofuels, so-called “advance...


Strike a balance: Trade agreements for resilient and responsible supply chains

Five recommendations for trade policy-makers.


Can living near an airport make you ill?

Can living near an airport make you ill?

Aviation’s health effects on populations near airports

Batteries, Cars, Climate Instruments, Energy, Planes, Rail, Ships, Sustainable Finance, Trucks, Vans

Making the EU single market work for the Green Deal

T&E's paper on how to harmonise EU regulations to accelerate transport decarbonisation.