The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to our climate and the environment. The planet is on track towards a temperature increase of 2.9C...
How does car taxation compare across Europe?
As the most sustainable alternative to traditional jet fuels, e-kerosene is generated from hydrogen and CO₂. Unlike many other sustainable aviation fu...
Mock green cruise ship launch highlights greenwashing of cruise ship operators promoting fossil gas as a more sustainable solution
A new law has set high environmental standards for batteries from electric cars. But its effectiveness will be determined by rules that are still up f...
Workshop Summary from February 16th
A clear contrast between how polluting and zero-emission cars are taxed is crucial
Last week the European Commission proposed tighter, binding air pollution limits as part of its revision of EU air quality rules. But does it go far e...
Watch back the event and download the main presentation by TNO.
The European Parliament and then the Council vote in favour of major expansion of the EU carbon market to include shipping and road transport
Pressure builds on halt to crop biofuels mandates as food prices soar