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The WTO has ruled in favour of the EU on palm oil biodiesel. What now for soy?

The EU Commission has until now shied away from making a decision on whether to phase out soy biodiesel, most likely to avoid further disputes at the ...

Air Quality, Batteries

Barriers to next phase of electric vehicle transition revealed

Public charging availability, expensive upfront costs, higher electricity bills, battery lifetime, and charging times all cited as key concerns in mak...


Clean solutions for all: T&E’s car decarbonisation roadmap

T&E’s sets out how to meet the EU’s overall climate targets by providing clean and affordable solutions for all drivers.


What role can e-retrofitting play in the decarbonisation of cars?

T&E's e-retrofit outlook


EU needs to replace polluting cars and stop building new roads to meet 2040 climate target – analysis

T&E's Car Decarbonisation Roadmap shows which measures will clean up the vehicle fleet most effectively


KPMG & Accenture, GSK failing to keep up with industry leaders in cutting corporate travel emissions

Twenty-five of the world's biggest flyers are yet to set targets to reduce corporate flights, despite being responsible for over a third of the travel...

EU Parliament plan for greener trucks will benefit diesel

The EU Parliament votes on the Weights and Dimensions Directive

Sustainable Finance

Do the EU’s new ESG rules make ratings more reliable?

The EU can now better regulate ESG ratings, but they are still far from perfect


Piccole utilitarie made in Italy addio: FIAT cede alla “SUVizzazione” e cambia volto seguendo i trend dell’automotive europea

Sempre meno Made in Italy, sempre più volta alla produzione di auto grandi o SUV, impegnata nell’elettrificazione della sua flotta ma a rilento: uno s...

Will national teams become champions for sustainable travel during Euro 2024?

13 NGOs across Europe have asked their national football teams to commit to traveling sustainably for the European Championships 2024, avoiding flying...

Cars, Batteries

Due diligence rules: what next in the implementation?

T&E's briefing on the EU Battery Regulation

Cars, Sustainable Finance

Why Europeans should be going to the United States for tips on climate leadership

Biden is making good on his promise to build America back better and his success offers invaluable lessons for Europe