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Air Quality, Trucks

Lawmakers agree new road tolls to incentivise switch to cleaner trucks

European hauliers will slash their costs by driving trucks that reduce carbon and air pollution under a new tolling system agreed by EU lawmakers last...


What the EU climate plan means for car CO2 emissions

Following the entry into force of the 2020/21 EU car CO2 standards, electric cars (EVs) have entered the mass market much faster than previously expec...


What the EU’s climate plan means for Europe

July has been a big month for Europe and not just because of the Euro Championships. After two years of excruciatingly hard work the Commission has pu...


EU’s Henry Ford moment for electric cars is here. Let’s make sure it’s not fake electric

When Henry Ford started to build his first car assembly line, horse dung was still littering the streets. What he invented in 1913 was not a new techn...


EU misses golden chance to right the wrongs of disastrous biofuels policy

The EU’s ‘green’ fuels law has been an unmitigated disaster. Instead of pushing sustainable alternatives, it led to widespread deforestation, habitat ...

Energy, Cars

A carbon market for road transport: much ado about nothing?

‘When it rains in Paris, it drizzles in Brussels’ is a famous Belgian proverb. It is testimony to the French influence on Belgian policymaking. Simila...


Decades of inaction on flying’s climate impact are being replaced by action. But does it go far enough?

It took many years of campaigning, and the efforts of people like Greta Thunberg for politicians to finally start paying attention to aviation emissio...

Cars, Trucks

EU takes big step towards making charging anxiety a thing of the past

Yesterday the European Commission presented a completely revamped infrastructure law to make charging anxiety a thing of the past. As part of the Fit ...

Sustainable Finance

Why we cannot celebrate yet: EU’s strategy on sustainable finance

The EU has launched its new sustainable finance strategy. For those relatively unfamiliar with the topic, but even for those who work in the sector, i...

Planes, Ships

Shippers made to cut their pollution at last

The European Commission just unveiled a host of regulatory measures, dubbed the Fit-for-55 package in typical Brussels fashion, aimed at more than hal...


Explained: Are we ready to switch to emissions-free cars?

Frequently asked questions about the plan to sell only emissions-free cars in the EU by 2035

Planes, Energy

EU axes airlines’ fuel tax exemption in drive for greener fuels

The EU will end jet fuel’s tax exemption which has let flying go untaxed for decades, and instead will drive airlines to use cleaner, low-carbon fuels...