Health effects, social costs and technical and policy options to reduce road and rail traffic noise. Report commissioned by T&E from CE Delft.
Millions of people in Europe are affected by transport noise. Transport noise an- noys people, causes stress and illness and may sometimes even have a fatal impact. As a result, noise is very costly to society.
There are numerous cheap and relatively easy ways to reduce transport noise significantly. First of all, noise should be taken as seriously as other forms of pol- lution, as it is similarly damaging to human health. This year, 2007, is an impor- tant one for the future of noise policy. The European Commission is presenting a proposal for tightening car tyre noise emission limits, and in June 2007 the first noise maps of large agglomerations, main roads and railways were to be submit- ted to the Commission under the terms of the Environmental noise directive.
This reports describes the health effects of rail and road transport noise and pre- sents a number of recommendations as to how to address them.
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