But until regulation catches up with the momentum for zero-emission buses, European busmakers risk being blindsided by soaring demand and emerging for...
In a letter to the EU Commission, cities and NGOs say it's time to propose a target for all new urban buses sales to be zero emission from 2027.
Sales mandate is needed for manufacturers as strong demand for electric urban buses is not being matched by supply.
A new study models the CO2 targets required if all trucks and buses in the EU are to be zero emissions by 2050.
Polluting trucks will undo all the emissions savings from electrifying cars in the 2020s unless the EU changes their sales trajectory.
Jeśli Unia Europejska nie zmieni trendu, zanieczyszczające samochody ciężarowe zniwelują wszystkie sukcesy w ograniczaniu emisji osiągnięte dzięki ele...
T&E's recommendations for the review of the EU's heavy-duty vehicle CO2 standards.
Bus-makers will only keep pace with the rising demand if regulators set a phase-out date for fossil-fuel vehicle sales in 2027.
Analysis of new urban bus sales from 2020 shows growing number of zero-emissions vehicles, but speed of transition too slow
Denmark leads the way when it comes to putting zero-emission urban buses on the streets in Europe, with 78% of new vehicles being electric, according ...
Nach jüngsten Daten des Umweltdachverbandes Transport & Environment (T&E) ist Dänemark Vorreiter beim Umstieg auf emissionsfreie Stadtbusse in Europa:...
Dinamarca está a la cabeza de Europa en cuanto a la utilización de autobuses de cero emisiones, con un 78% de los autobuses de nueva adquisición en 20...