Transport is Europe's biggest climate problem accounting for 27% of its GHG emissions in 2017. This report summarises a series of studies by Transport & Environment. (T&E analysed pathways for decarbonisation in the road freight, aviation, shipping and car sectors.) It demonstrates that transport can and must be decarbonised by 2050 at the very latest, not only to limit global warming but also to ensure Europe's competitiveness, its energy sovereignty and the health and well-being of its 500 million citizens.
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This report summarises a series of studies by Transport & Environment. (T&E analysed pathways for decarbonisation in the road freight, aviation, shipping and car sectors.) It demonstrates that transport can and must be decarbonised by 2050 at the very latest, not only to limit global warming but also to ensure Europe’s competitiveness, its energy sovereignty and the health and well-being of its 500 million citizens.
A follow-up report analyses the feasibility of meeting the transport sector’s energy demand in 2030 and 2050 with renewables and the implications of deploying additional renewables.
T&E, EDL, Norsk e-fuel, Arcadia e-fuels, Caphenia, Nordic Electrofuel and spark e-fuels are calling upon the German government to maintain national ta...
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
EU walks back on aviation climate law on non-CO2
The EU Commission bows to pressure from legacy airlines to exclude long-haul flights from the scope of an aviation emissions monitoring scheme, which ...