EU member states’ decision to support a 70-100% reduction in maritime greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 2050, compared to 2008 levels, has been welcomed by sustainable transport group Transport & Environment (T&E). However, pressure from the major EU shipping nations saw the EU’s common position, agreed last Friday, being made less firm and more aspirational than what the high-ambition EU countries and environmental groups initially called for. [1] The member states will attend a meeting of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) from 3-13 April to adopt an initial GHG strategy for the shipping sector.
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Faig Abbasov, shipping officer with T&E, said: “Developed nations, including the EU countries, must show leadership at the key IMO climate negotiations next month. Europe needs to stand firm in agreeing a long-term reduction target compatible with the temperature goals of the Paris agreement. Silence during the climate negotiations is no longer acceptable; everybody must play their part, especially the largest EU flag nations which have considerable power at the IMO. We will be watching closely and will compile another ranking after the meeting to encourage all EU countries to be active in the discussions.”
European ambition to clean up the shipping sector’s greenhouse gas emissions is being led by Germany, Belgium and France, a ranking compiled by T&E last week shows. The top three, followed by the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and then the UK, Denmark, Luxembourg and Finland, were the most active in pushing for an effective climate plan at the IMO. The five worst performers in the ranking are Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Croatia. The EU’s biggest shipping registries, Malta, Greece and Cyprus, received almost exclusively negative points given their near complete lack of ambition in the climate negotiations.
Note to editors:
[1] Read T&E’s position paper on the initial GHG strategy to be adopted at the IMO next month
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