This report intends to satisfy the many demands for information and analysis on the issue of aviation and climate change coming from policymakers, the media and interested citizens. It brings together the findings of recent studies in light of the current political debate and discussions taking place about a range of policy options.
It is constructed around twelve important, but often contro- versial, questions surrounding the climate impact of aviation and what should be done about it at European level.
In Part 1, we examine some of the claims made about the impact of aviation on climate change and separate the myth from reality.
In Part 2, we explore some of the environmental measures that are under consideration in Europe, including ticket taxes and emissions trading. Again we examine the myths surrounding the (cost)effectiveness of these measures and explain the reality.
We have tried to keep the main text concise and to the point, in appreciation of the limited time that most readers will have at their disposal. Fuller explanations of historical background and scientific research can be found in the annexes.
T&E reaction to EU Clean Industrial Deal, Action Plan for Affordable Energy, and Omnibus proposal.