
Car CO2 regulation: The case and content of an effective proposal

October 31, 2017

Following the unhelpful intervention of the Juncker Cabinet it would be preferable to delay the proposal and negotiate on key points to produce a stronger outcome. The alternative is to issue a weak proposal that does not put the EU on a track to meet its climate goals and the EU industry on a path to becoming globally competitive and manufacturing new technology vehicles in the EU. 

The Commission is urged to make an effective car CO2 proposal including:
•    A binding sales target for zero emission vehicles of at least 15% in 2020 and 35% in 2030
•    An overall level of emissions reductions should be at least 35% from 2021 – 2030 with a binding mid-term target in 2025
•    An enforcement mechanism to ensure that the FULL emissions cut is delivered on the road

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