
T&E’s priorities for the 2007 Portuguese presidency of the EU

July 31, 2007

Portugal has the opportunity to lead European decision-making on several critically important transport policy areas that will have a major impact on the future of the Earth’s climate, the European economy and our citizens’ health.

The major policy issues on the Portuguese transport agenda are concerned with the hot topics of energy and climate. But important policies in a number of other important areas will also be covered. The key topics to be addressed are:

  • The inclusion of the aviation sector into the EU Emissions Trading System (EU- ETS) and the triennial assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO);
  • Transport fuels: both a review of the fuel quality directive and of the biofuels directive
  • A proposal for review of the tyre directive with a perspective on less noisy and more efficient road transport;
  • A green paper on urban transport
  • An action plan on logistics

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