
T&E conference on transport, enlargement and the environment (T&E 00/03)

May 27, 2000

These proceedings reflect the content of a conference on 16 and 17 March 2000, hosted by the European Federation for Transport and the Environment (T&E), on the environmental consequences of transport in an enlarged Europe.

The conference was held to mark T&E’s tenth anniversary, but also a renewed commitment to addressing central and eastern European issues during its second decade as the European umbrella group for transport non-governmental organisations (NGOs) campaigning on transport and environment-related issues. Enlargement is viewed by T&E as a critical issue for future European transport policy, with potentially major implications for the environment andeconomic and social development.

The conference was financed primarily through a grant from the Directorate-General forEnvironmental Protection at the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment ofthe Netherlands.

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