These proceedings reflect the content of a conference on 16 and 17 March 2000, hosted by the European Federation for Transport and the Environment (T&E), on the environmental consequences of transport in an enlarged Europe.
The conference was held to mark T&E’s tenth anniversary, but also a renewed commitment to addressing central and eastern European issues during its second decade as the European umbrella group for transport non-governmental organisations (NGOs) campaigning on transport and environment-related issues. Enlargement is viewed by T&E as a critical issue for future European transport policy, with potentially major implications for the environment andeconomic and social development.
The conference was financed primarily through a grant from the Directorate-General forEnvironmental Protection at the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment ofthe Netherlands.
The number and size of cruise ships globally have doubled since the start of the millennium, T&E’s new ‘Cruisezilla’ report reveals
Cruise ships are getting larger and more numerous. This is a problem for the environment
T&E's reaction to Ursula von de Leyen’s election as European Commission president for a second five-year term