What it IS about: The Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) sets a 6% reduction target in the carbon intensity of transport fuels to be met by 2020.
This is a technology-neutral target that leaves to the industry a range of options to meet it in the most cost-effective way. What it’s NOT about: The Commission proposal to implement the FQD assigns carbon intensity to all fossil fuel feedstocks, namely: tar sands, coal-to-liquid, oil shale, gas-to-liquid and conventional oil. It does NOT discriminate between sources on the basis of geographical locations; it’s all about the carbon intensity of each fuel source.
Why the IMO’s Global Fuel Standard risks incentivising the worst biofuels
Plans being drafted at the IMO risk creating a huge new market for deforestation-driving biofuels like palm and soy, while also putting pressure on ve...
Hapag-Lloyd among companies calling on UN global shipping agency (IMO) to exclude crop fuels from list of green shipping alternatives