
Stricter van fuel economy standards – abridged version

November 15, 2012

Fuel is an important and rising business cost. At the same time vans are one of the fastest growing sources of transport CO2 emissions, increasing by 26% between 1995 and 2010 and now accounting for 8% of EU’s total road transport emissions. To reduce van fuel consumption and counter rising emissions, binding CO2 standards were introduced in 2011, setting a 2017 fleetwide target of 175 CO2 g/km. For 2020 a target of 147 g/km was agreed. In its review proposal, which is currently under discussion in the European Parliament, the Commission confirmed the 147 g/km target.

This briefing summarises the most recent evidence and outlines 5 compelling reasons to strengthen the vans target to at least 118 g/km. It is largely based upon a study undertaken by consultants TNO.[1] More detailed information can be found in T&E’s position paper.[2]

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