Today shipping is the only sector not yet subject to emission reduction targets or measures in the EU. This is despite EU related CO2 emissions from maritime transport being comparable to the emissions of Belgium and representing 13% of total EU transport emissions.
In 2019 EC President Ursula von der Leyen committed to act on shipping emissions, which was later reflected in the European Green Deal (EGD). First-executive Vice President Frans Timmermans also committed during the Parliamentary hearings to consider EP’s proposals on shipping in line with the EGD.
The ongoing revision of the MRV creates a strong momentum to regulate EU maritime CO2 emissions to achieve the Union’s climate goals. The MEPs are seizing this momentum by proposing goal-based reduction targets for maritime emissions and by including maritime emissions into the EUs emissions trading system. The revision also creates an opportunity to position the EU as the global leader on green hydrogen deployment in shipping, thus putting Europe in prime position to win the technological competition.
However, since the introduction of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Regulation in 2015, ships are required to monitor and report, among others, their CO2 emissions and operational efficiency scores. The idea back in 2015 was that this would be the first step of a staged approach for the inclusion of maritime CO2 emissions in the EU’s Climate Policy.
Read our Q&A on the revision of shipping MRV regulation in the PDF below.
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