A four-page factsheet exploring the impact of transport growth on the Pyrenees region. Describes the risks of building new transport infrastructure and suggests alternatives.
The planned increase of transport capacities, mainly for road transport, bears several risks for the regional development, the social and environ- mental situation in the Pyrenees.
The already high number of long distance freight trucks may increase even more. This will have negative economic, social and environmental impacts. The recently opened connection through the Sompor t in the western part of the Pyrenees is a point of concern as regards to the increase in freight transport.
The central Pyrenees which are an important tourism region may suffer from increasing truck traffic and thus suffer economic losses.This means that the original objective of the infrastructure building, i.e. contribute to the regional development may not happen, on the contrary, regional development can be harmed.
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
T&E recommendations on the implementation of the EU Critical Raw Materials Act.