T&E, Lufthansa, the Global Alliance Powerfuels, pilots representatives, and other aviation industry and energy players have called on the European Commission to set ambitious targets for e-kerosene, a green synthetic fuel, when it proposes the world’s first sustainable jet fuel law this month.
In this letter the group, which also includes Schiphol and Copenhagen airports and e-fuel suppliers, call for a target for the use of e-kerosene under the new ReFuel EU law commencing already in 2027 at 0.5% to 1% delivered to the EU market. The mandate could potentially rise to 2.5% in 2030, as long as the sustainability of such a target can be assured.
European Shipowners (ECSA), Airlines for Europe (A4E), which represent the shipping and aviation sector at European level, along with the green transp...
Why European aviation needs to urgently address its growth problem