Ahead of the Communication on the European Energy Union with a forward-looking climate policy, NGOs wrote to the College of the European Commission asking it to pay special attention to the decarbonisation of transport. They ask commissioners to include a comprehensive strategy for electrification of transport as one of their
Ahead of the Communication on the European Energy Union with a forward-looking climate policy, NGOs wrote to the College of the European Commission asking it to pay special attention to the decarbonisation of transport. They ask commissioners to include a comprehensive strategy for electrification of transport as one of their priorities for moving Europe further down the road of climate and energy security and towards reducing its global land foot-print.
T&E reaction to Automotive Plan: Positive steps on fleets, but the weakening of CO₂ targets and vague support for battery production will see Europe f...
T&E reaction to Ursula von der Leyen statement on Automotive Dialogue.
T&E president Arie Bleijenberg looks at what works when it comes to cutting pollution from cars