
Lelystad traffic distribution rules consultation

May 21, 2019

The Dutch Government recently issued a decree on new traffic distribution rules for Lelystad which was also the subject of a consultation by the European Commission. T&E’s response to the consultation examines the various issues and notes that proper taxation of flights in the Netherlands would resolve capacity issues, reduce aircraft noise and CO2, and obviate the need to open Lelystad airport or raise the movements cap at Schiphol.

T&E’s response to the consultation examines the various issues and notes that proper taxation of flights in the Netherlands would resolve capacity issues, reduce aircraft noise and CO2, and obviate the need to open Lelystad airport or raise the movements cap at Schiphol. Taxation issues are of particular interest as the Dutch government has just released a proposal for a ticket and per flight tax in the Netherlands, and an EU-level finance ministers conference on aviation taxation will be held in The Hague on 20-21 June 2019.

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