Manifesto for sustainable investment. A manifesto by the European Platform of Social NGOs, European Trade Union Confederation and the European Environmental Bureau. T&E supports the manifesto and prepared the transport section.
The EU and its member states have committed themselves many times over to the goal of sustainable development and to building sustainable societies. Now the time has come to ensure that public and private money really is directed towards sustainable goods and services. For this reason the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Platform of European Social NGOs (Social Platform) have launched this campaign with the aim of achieving more and better sustainable investment. This manifesto sets out a vision of how this can be achieved by action at local, national and European level, supported by all the undersigned organisations and individuals.
Why the IMO’s Global Fuel Standard risks incentivising the worst biofuels
Plans being drafted at the IMO risk creating a huge new market for deforestation-driving biofuels like palm and soy, while also putting pressure on ve...
Hapag-Lloyd among companies calling on UN global shipping agency (IMO) to exclude crop fuels from list of green shipping alternatives