
Input from Environmental NGOs at the Start of the Next Round of the ECCP

October 27, 2005

The European Climate Change Program (ECCP) was initiated in 2000 to provide a coherent and interactive framework for deciding on a range of policies that would enable the necessary Kyoto emissions reductions. It is now high-time to assess the extent to which the measures adopted so far under the ECCP are delivering what they promised.

The current NGO assessment of progress in EU climate policy calls for the following set of actions that the ECCP needs to consider:

  • Strengthen national implementation of existing policies to ensure they realise their emissions reductions potential.
  • Strengthen and speed up adoption of legislative proposals that are still in process to maximise their emissions reductions.
  • Urgently adopt additional measures to compensate for emission increases in some sectors or unrealised reductions from other policies.
  • Ensure overall sustainability of EU climate policy and avoid locking Europe into high- carbon or high-risk technologies.
  • Critically evaluate the volume of external credits to be used for Kyoto compliance to ensure the vast majority of reduction obligations are met through domestic action.
  • Look at policies to meet necessary emissions reductions for 2020 (at least 30% domestic reductions compared to 1990).

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