We are leaders of indigenous people’s organizations, farmers’ unions, civil society organizations, traditional communities, farmers, laborers, human rights defenders and environmental activists. We read and receive many contradictory messages and statements that seem to ignore the impact of the palm oil industry in the form of deforestation, land grabs, human rights violations, labor exploitation, corruption, socio-economic and political problems and ecological problems.
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There are efforts to conceal these issues, including by claiming oil palm plantations are forests. Some statements supported by several academics have also accused several Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) of negative campaigns against oil palm in Indonesia. We hereby would like to state and assert that, in fact, the palm oil plantation and industry have indeed destroyed and eliminated forests on a large scale2 and they continue to destroy forests and peat lands until now.
Full letter in the link below.
RED III implementation for Europe's member states
EU to impose tariffs on Chinese biodiesel, but this will not stop palm oil fraud, warns T&E
Advanced and waste biofuels are increasingly promoted as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and damaging crop-based biofuels, so-called “advance...