Press Release

ICAO Assembly: States to Lose Right to Choose Own Environment Policy?

September 10, 2004

The UN’s International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) will open its triennial Assembly in two weeks (28/09/04 – 08/10/04). A resolution is o­n the table with disastrous wording for the future of environmental policy in aviation at international and regional level.  Read this T&E overview detailing the threat and download the letter sent o­n behalf of six major environment groups to key ministers and representatives urging them to take joint action against the proposed resolution.

[mailchimp_signup][/mailchimp_signup]The proposed resolution can be found o­n the ICAO website. Pages A16-A19 show the proposed amendments.T&E has led a coalition of European environment groups in writing to EU transport and environment ministers as well as non-EU members of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference) to press for joint action against the proposed resolution.Contact us for more information o­n this story.

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