Following commissioner hearings at the European Parliament, the Green 10 believes MEPs must reject the Commission unless rigorous changes of mandates, job titles and re-allocation of posts are made along the lines indicated by the Green 10 in the letter to the Conference of Presidents and Conference of Chairs on 3 October 2014.
This letter explains how the choice of Commissioners reveals a roll-back on existing EU environmental commitments, while the 7th Environmental Action Programme (7EAP) has been presented as a ‘guidance’ to the new Commission when it is, in fact, a legally-binding commitment.
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
EU walks back on aviation climate law on non-CO2
The EU Commission bows to pressure from legacy airlines to exclude long-haul flights from the scope of an aviation emissions monitoring scheme, which ...
T&E's reaction to Ursula von de Leyen’s election as European Commission president for a second five-year term