Proposals for an effective revision of the Energy Tax Directive
We welcome the publication of a revision of the Energy Tax Directive. EU-level energy taxation policy is crucial in the promotion of at least four key EU policies.
We are concerned that the minimum tax rates laid down in the Directive are not sufficiently high and that the adjustment mechanisms built into the Directive to increase these rates will not be sufficiently flexible. Additionally, we call for the removal of the exemption clause for private households as well as the inclusion of higher proposed minimum tax rates for heating fuels in the Directive. These higher rates could be phased in over a relatively long period of time before the full rate be applied. This would give households time to adjust and respond to rising energy prices and for Member States to put measures in place to protect the most vulnerable.
We also welcome the proposal to increase the minimum diesel tax rate – which will be a consequence of the introduction of a fuel neutral taxation, manda- tory from 2023 – but we also call for an earlier introduction, preferably in 2018 but no later than 2020.
Read about the full list of recommendations in our briefing
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