What are the economic and environmental benefits of an extended carbon market for aviation?
A study commissioned by Carbon Market Watch and Transport & Environment (T&E), and conducted by TAKS analysed the emission reductions, costs and auctioning revenues generated by extending the scope of the Emission Trading System (ETS) for aviation. The three scenarios analysed are 1) the European Commission’s (EC) proposal as part of the Fit For 55 (FF55) package where the ETS only applies to intra-European flights, 2) semi scope: ETS scope is expanded to include all departing flights from the EU and 3) full scope: ETS scope is expanded to cover all incoming and departing flights. In scenarios 2 and 3, the UN’s offsetting scheme (Corsia) costs for routes covered by the ETS are reimbursed to avoid double coverage. The study also assesses the impact of different baselines and levels of participation in Corsia on the overall results.
T&E, EDL, Norsk e-fuel, Arcadia e-fuels, Caphenia, Nordic Electrofuel and spark e-fuels are calling upon the German government to maintain national ta...
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
EU walks back on aviation climate law on non-CO2
The EU Commission bows to pressure from legacy airlines to exclude long-haul flights from the scope of an aviation emissions monitoring scheme, which ...