From 16 to 22 September, cities and towns in more than 20 countries are organising European Mobility Week (EMW). More than 80 million citizens are able to take part in a range of activities dedicated to the promotion of sustainable mobility. This year's theme is 'Safe streets for Children', chosen to support the EU target to cut the death toll on European roads by 50% by 2010. European Mobility Week culminates with 'In town without my car!' day (Car Free Day) which falls on Wednesday 22 September.
[mailchimp_signup][/mailchimp_signup]European Mobility Week is a major initiative which extends Car Free Day and is supported by the European Commission (DG Environment). The aim of the initiative is to promote sustainable mobility in urban areas, and to raise public awareness about the potential benefits of reducing the amount of motorised traffic for the local and global environment, human health and quality of life. In particular, European Mobility Week is an opportunity for cities to encourage citizens to use more sustainable modes of transport such as public transport, walking and cycling.
EMW 2004 focuses on the theme “Safe Streets For Children”. Across the European Union, more than 2000 children and young people (under the age of 17) are killed in traffic accidents each year, and many more thousands are injured. But death and injury are not the only threats to the health and safety of young people caused by the increasing amount of road traffic in our cities. Exposure to air pollution, mainly produced by motor vehicles, has been linked to a number of different health risks, including asthma and other respiratory problems, which in some cases can prove fatal.
EMW 2004 was officially opened on 16 September by Margot Wallström, the European Commissioner for Environment, at a high level international conference in Brussels: “Smart moves for Sustainable Mobility”. Experts and decision-makers, including T&E Director Jos Dings, took part. Dings’s presentation called for more ‘double checks’ for large transport projects before they are approved for EU funding.
More informationEuropean Mobility Week Website
European Info Point: ACCESS – EUROCITIES for a New Mobility CultureTel: + 32 2 552 08 75, e-mail:
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