A T&E factsheet examining some of the technical and political barriers to exapanding the use of intermodal freight transport in Europe.
Intermodality is concerned with the optimal integration of different transport modes through new, more efficient use of the transport system, reducing transport costs and achieving added value. Bearing in mind the problems of pollution, lack of safety1 and congestion on the roads that are harming the European Union’s competitiveness, intermodal transport is seen as one of the best options for meeting the environmental and economic requirements for sustainable transport
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
The number and size of cruise ships globally have doubled since the start of the millennium, T&E’s new ‘Cruisezilla’ report reveals
Cruise ships are getting larger and more numerous. This is a problem for the environment