
EU states shipping rankings: who’s the most ambitious?

May 20, 2022

T&E assesses which countries are the most ambitious and who's lagging behind

2022 marks a pivotal moment for arguably the most important climate legislation of Europe’s history, the ‘fit for 55’ package. The European Parliament and Member States via the EU Council will take decisions that will make or break Europe’s green transition. The shipping sector in particular is already behind almost every other sector and risks undermining Europe’s effort by burning through Europe’s remaining carbon budget, unless urgent action is taken. Responsibility is therefore with member states to ensure the proposals deliver the urgently required climate action.

By analysing the impacts of each member state position on emissions coverage, this briefing evaluates and ranks every country on the shipping ETS. Ten criteria have been chosen – eight measured quantitatively and two qualitatively – to reveal differing levels of ambition throughout Europe.

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