T&E, EDL, Norsk e-fuel, Arcadia e-fuels, Caphenia, Nordic Electrofuel and spark e-fuels are calling upon the German government to maintain national targets for e-kerosene
The aviation industry has been pushing for the removal of e-kerosene targets in Germany for years. In a joint letter with six e-kerosene suppliers, T&E calls on the German government to maintain the national e-kerosene quotas. The signatories include Norsk e-fuel, Arcadia e-fuels and Spark e-fuels. The national quotas, as stipulated in Section 37 lit. a (4a) BImSchG, are essential for the decarbonisation of aviation. The German government must send a strong political signal to the e-kerosene market by reintroducing public e-kerosene subsidies. Any amendments to Section 37 lit. a (4a) BImSchG must be made through a transparent legislative process.
European Shipowners (ECSA), Airlines for Europe (A4E), which represent the shipping and aviation sector at European level, along with the green transp...
Why European aviation needs to urgently address its growth problem