
CO2 differentiated truck tolls – what the EU should do

October 16, 2015

T&E commissioned CE Delft to undertake a study to assess the usefulness, as well as the possible implementation and design issues, of CO2 differentiated kilometre charging. The report’s key findings are included in the briefing.

The objective of this scoping study is to assess the desirability and feasibility of CO2-differentiation in HDV road charging schemes, as well as on the options to actually design such a differentiation.

More specifically, this study has the following objectives:

  • to discuss whether CO2-differentiated road charges effectively contribute to CO2 reduction of HGVs;
  • to explore whether such schemes should be harmonised at the EU-level;
  • to identify the main issues that may hamper the implementation of such schemes and discuss potential options to address these issues;
  • to identify key design issues and discuss options to operationalise them.

In this study we focus on distance-based charging schemes (such as the German Maut). Time-based charging schemes (e.g. vignettes) are not considered, although they are covered by the current Eurovignette Directive.

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