This monthly digest is a collection of brief updates on transport or environmental stories from around Europe.
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Around 800 activists from non-governmental organisations walked out of this month’s UN climate talks in Warsaw in protest at how lobbying by fossil-fuel industries was slowing any meaningful progress. NGOs were already outraged by the prominence given to the Polish coal industry at the ‘COP19’ conference, and with the way progress was hampered by other industrial interests.
Accessibility of electric charging points
T&E has welcomed amendments by MEPs to focus more on the accessibility of charging points for electric vehicles across Europe. The Commission proposed 800,000 publicly-available charging points; the European Parliament’s transport committee reduced this to 456,000, but said greater emphasis should be put on their accessibility. But MEPs placed no obligation on member states to encourage a fixed number of privately-operated charging points.
EIB lending criteria
The European Investment Bank says it cannot give more weight to climate concerns when deciding which projects to lend money to until the EU formally adopts new policies for 2030. Environmental groups have long criticised the EIB for lending to infrastructure projects that contradict EU environmental goals, but the bank says it cannot base its lending rules on targets set out in the 2050 low-carbon roadmap as this has no legal status.
Cohesion Fund spending
An analysis of Cohesion Fund lending by CEE Bankwatch says the EU will miss its commitment to spend 20% of its budget on climate-related actions. The central and eastern European NGO says the 20% goal will only be met if Cohesion Fund money matches this target, but its analysis of the draft spending plans of eight countries shows seven of the eight would fall well short of the 20% mark.
Can we get out of our mobility habits?
System thinking is badly needed in mobility policy. The Covid-pandemic – undesired and unpleasant – provided two illustrations.
From sketching a blueprint to implementing a greenprint for the EU’s economy.
T&E's president explains why Europe's dense cities are better