European vanmakers have attacked the European Commission's proposal to cut CO2 emissions and improve the fuel efficiency of light commercial vehicles (LCVs). This paper examines five of their key arguments and attempts to present a more balancedview of the issue.
T&E believes that the Commission proposal is too weak and should be strengthened in the following respects:
• The 2007 proposals of 175 g/km by 2012 and 160 g/km by 2015 should be kept;
• The 2020 target should be tightened to 125 g/km
• The maximum speed of vans should be limited to 100 km/h
The Hungarian presidency is proposing to exempt aviation and shipping from fuel tax for the next 20 years. The text recommends that the EU, after 15 y...
T&E recommendations on the implementation of the EU Critical Raw Materials Act.