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Driving Change: Transport Policies for growth and climate

Top policies to stimulate UK green investment and cut transport emissions.


Driving successful action on transport emissions

A handbook for the decisions needed in this Parliament to tackle emissions and seize the economic benefits of decarbonisation


Transport and the UK general election

For the next Government, the need to tackle climate change is more pressing than ever and transport is the highest-emitting sector

Consultation response

Consultation response: hydrogen blending for GB gas distribution networks

T&E's response to the final consultation on blending hydrogen into gas distribution networks in Great Britain.


Eliminating the UK’s reliance on Russian oil

There is now a moral and energy security imperative to stop imports of Russian oil as quickly as possible. Here's how it can be done.


Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity

Renewable electricity will do the heavy lifting to decarbonise transport, but we still need the policies to make this happen, T&E says in a submission...

Consultation response

Targeting net zero – Next steps for the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation

This briefing paper summarises Transport and Environment (T&E’s) views on the questions posed by the consultation Targeting net zero - Next steps for ...

Press Release

UK’s imports of dubious ‘used’ cooking oil set to rise, fuelling deforestation

The UK risks fuelling deforestation by driving up demand for used cooking oil (UCO) in transport, says green group Transport & Environment (T&E). The ...

Press Release

UK can power transport entirely with renewables if used efficiently

The UK will have enough renewable resources to meet its electricity demand for transport in 2050, a new T&E analysis finds. However, this is only poss...


Efficient pathways to electrifying UK transport

Decarbonising UK transport by 2050 using renewable electricity is a challenge, but achievable given the enormous renewables potential of the UK.

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe
Press Release

Increasing biofuels in petrol tanks could accelerate deforestation, warns environmental group 

Today’s announcement that the UK government will double from 5 to 10% the amount of ethanol that can be blended with petrol could cause as much enviro...

Palm oil diesel factories in Europe
Consultation response

Introducing E10 to petrol

This short paper summarises T&E’s views on the questions posed by the UK government's consultation, Introducing E10 to Petrol.