Consultation response

Phasing out the sale of polluting trucks in the UK

October 25, 2021

The Government's proposals to end of the sale of diesel trucks should be moved forward quickly, T&E says in a consultation response.

T&E has welcomed the proposals in the UK government’s consultation on when to phase out the sale of new, non-zero emission heavy goods vehicles. Specifically, T&E is in favour of an end to diesel trucks smaller than 26 tonnes by 2035. It also backs an end to diesel trucks between 26 and 44 tonnes by 2037.

T&E also supports at least a 2-tonne increase in the weight allowance of ZE trucks. It opposes a 1 tonne additional weight allowance for low carbon trucks. The proposals move forward in the right direction and should be taken forward with urgency, it says.

The transition to zero-emission trucks is probably at present about seven years behind that for cars taking into account the availability of models and charging. However, the anticipated fall in battery prices and importance of total costs of ownership in purchase choices means that the shift to zero emission trucks may happen even faster than for cars. To facilitate this change policy will need to be nimble but the potential for rapid transition and prize in terms of cuts in emissions significant.

Download the consultation response to read T&E’s full submission.

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